Lots of interest for my courses with many asking me the following. Will I be offering them over weekends and other locations?
I can’t offer everything to everyone at the moment; However, if demand allows it, yes, I will offer my business courses over weekends and other locations too. I would need a minimum of 10 delegates to commit to two one-day courses over any weekend – so, on that basis happy to add further dates from the ones already announced. I never saw travelling as an issue when I was developing my team at Brunswick Garage, but I do understand the challenges some smaller businesses face. Remember, I am here to help and develop everyone, to give you a chance of maximising your business.
With this in mind, I have decided to reduce the prices slightly – especially when two consecutive courses are booked to make them accessible to all budgets. To be fair and straight with all my existing customers who already booked for next week's courses – they have been charged the new prices, so there is no mis-selling!
I would be very surprised if you did not enjoy the training courses and take something away back to your businesses. Remember there is nothing out there like these courses for the independent garage business!
Please contact me directly, if you are interested in booking a place on my training courses or go to the training page on this website.